Saturday night I went to a friends house for dinner, and because I have eaten so much tongue over the past week I thought I would bring what's left of it with me. My thinking was this way I would be contributing to dinner as well as getting rid of the tongue. Truthfully, I'm not sure how much more tongue I can take.
This concoction is once again a tribute to Fergus Henderson. In The Whole Beast Mr. Henderson does a salad with chunks of bread, various lettuces and thin slices of cold tongue. This is dressed with his green sauce, of which I have a lot left over from earlier this week. Mr. Henderson also inspired me to try radish top salad, which has since turned into one of my favorites, so instead of searching out many different lettuces I used radish tops.
I began by thinly slicing the tongue.
My host for dinner is taking the rest of the tongue to a culinary school where he's an instructor to be eaten by students. I had a good run with the tongue, but I'm afraid in the end the tongue was simply way too much food for a person who likes variety in their diet. Lesson learned, don't make a corned beef tongue unless BOTH people in the household like it and want to eat it constantly for a week. I will make corned beef tongue again, but probably not for quite a while.
All in all a good experience. I can now say I have corned something (maybe I'll do a brisket soon) and the beef tongue holds much less mystery then it did a month ago.