The following day was Hans (Ross's little brother) birthday, and we have a tradition where I make a ton of spaetzle for his present. There is quite a lot of bacon in this particular spaetzle recipe, and the bacon inspired me to make a classic 1950's hors d'oeuvres called rumaki to bring along to the party.
Legend says that rumaki is a Polynesian dish, although I highly doubt this. Basically, rumaki is bacon wrapped chicken liver and water chestnut. My Mum assures me I ate these a lot when I was younger, but I have no memory of this. I began by rinsing my chicken livers.
Once assembled place them in a 425 degree oven for 10 minutes or until the liver is cooked and the bacon is crisp. I figured I should test a few in case a messed up this incredibly complicated recipe.
I think these are definitely birthday party worthy, if not an unorthodox choice before a big feed of spaetzle.