On top of all that Ross' Mom, Liz, is an absolutely stellar cook. So when Ross mentioned to me that this was one of his favorite dishes from childhood I had to have LIz's recipe. And just my luck, Liz was happy to oblige.
Liz uses a combination of ox tails and stewing meat for this soup.
Eventually Ross wandered over to see how I was doing and asked if I was going to remove the meat from the bones. This had not occurred to me. But the answer was yes. This was Mom's recipe, which is not a thing to ever be trifled with.
After another hour (ish) I removed the ox tails and let them cool. And once they were cool enough to handle I removed the meat. Which was a more involved task than I'd originally thought.
Once done I was left with a decent amount of meat which went back in the pot.
Ross says it was close to the dish that Liz makes - but as I said before there's no competing with Mom.
Thanks Liz for a really awesome supper.