For the sake of full disclosure it's really hot here in Boston (and there is no AC in my apartment) so just the idea of turning on the stove makes me break into a sweat. I'm also leaving for Toronto tomorrow morning so it's looking like my giblets are going into the freezer along side the leftover bones (being saved for stock) and the huge pile of leftover meat we didn't manage to eat.
I'm still looking for some inspiration. Ross wants to throw all the giblets into the stock, and a friend on Twitter suggested making gravy. The gravy is sounding like a good idea. I can use the chicken meat and giblet gravy to make my favorite poutine with shredded chicken and peas when I get back from Canada. My other idea was to try and make dirty rice again. Make a quick stock with the neck, take off the meat and fry it up with the rest of the giblets to add body to the rice.
If anyone has any creative ideas for what to do with a one chicken's worth of giblets I'd love to know. If I like your suggestion I'll make it when I get back from Canada, and if no one is feeling creative I'll see where my whims take me.