There has been some excitement in the world of Eating Nose to Tail - I will be shooting my first video for How2Heroes in a week. I'm not sure if I can give away what I'm making or not but a key ingredient is one of my favorite pieces of offal. I'm very excited.
More immediately exciting is the two different types of black pudding sitting in my fridge. Black pudding is a sausage made from blood, oats, bread, fat, meat and a variety of flavorings such as onion, garlic, salt and pepper. My dear friend Tobi has promised to come over and cook a traditional British breakfast (as luck would have it, Tobi is British.) I was put in charge of finding the black pudding, and I was able to find it at Kiki's Kwik-Mart in Brighton. If you have a chance go take a look - it's quite a neat little spot.
These particular black puddings seem to be more Irish than English. Truthfully I don't really know what the difference is, but I'm looking forward to watching Tobi cook them. I'm hoping he can tell me everything I've ever wanted to know about black pudding.